Mateus Mezones
Biographical information






Physical description



176 cm

Hair color


Eye color


Skin color


Familial and political information
Known family

Camilio Mezones (father)
Catharina Lopez (mother)
Adriana Mezones (sister)
Jason Mezones (brother)


Los Compadres 18

Owned vehicles

1961 Chevrolet Impala


Mateus Mezones was born on the twenty-fourth of August 1992 by "accident". His mother was a prostitute and his father one of her clients. One night the condom malfuntioned and a few cells passed through the little crack, one of this cells would later become Mateus Mezones. The fact that Mateus was bron on accedent would always remain uknown to him or anyone else besides his father and mother.

Once his mother, Catharina, found out she was expecting a baby, she would start to look for his dad, Camilio. By that time Camilio was a member for the Los Compadres 18, lead by 'Joker' at the time. After Catharina told him that she was pregnant, Camilio came to his senses. He would remain a part of the Los Compadres, but tried skipping the violence. Catharina moved in with Camilio and after Mateus' birth, they would have two other children together.

At the age of three, his mother was expecting her third child. Jason, as the child would later be named, would never know his father. Mateus' father was killed in a shoot-out with the police. To escape the violence his mother moved away to Seville with the children. Here Mateus' life would get off the ground. He went to school, he could not get to around with the other children and he had struggled with his teachers. It would not take long before Mateus dropped out of school and started dealing drugs. By the age of twelve he would be made his first customer.

His mother was desperate, but never gave up the hope. She thought moving back to El Corona might be good for his development. It turned out to be great for his development, but not in the way his mother aimed at. Mateus joined the Los Compadres 18 the gang his dad used to be in (Mateus does not know about this). The gang life has changed an already lost child into a violent gang member and later into one of its leaders.

Right now Mateus is one of the two Street Lieutenants the Los Compadres 18. At the start he struggled to get money, but right now money comes like water. His normal days consist out of robbery, theft, violence, drug-trafficing and other illegal occupations.


Mateus is known as the reasonable one, of the two Street Lieutenants the Los Compadres 18. Normally he deals with situations in a calm and respectful way, he sometimes even shows mercy. But enough is enough. If someone crosses the line, he is not safe. Mateus will explode and go down on his opponent like a bull. A rain of fists will probably fall down upon his victem. Like many in- and outside El Corona have seen. If he is not able to do the trick with his fists alone, he will tug his Colt .45 out of his waistline or fish a butterfly knife out of his pocket to do the trick for him.
